

This is a display of some projects I did in my spare time. Professional projects are on the company's website and my CV.

Screenshot of Docs

$ Docs

Remembering stuff is hard... I tried it, but I must say, writing knowledge down is just way smarter. The docs are a place where I write down the things I can't remember.

> Read
Screenshot of Code Wiki

$ Code Wiki

I was trying to build a wiki for codes, I came quite far but eventually had to stop for finanical reasons. Eventually I startet again and wrote the 'docs'

> Code
Screenshot of Serafin Krieger

$ Serafin Krieger

An artist was asking for some advice on setting up a website, I gave it to him, but while we were at it, we also just made him a new webpage altogether.

> Inspect
Screenshot of DI Museum

$ DI Museum

The DI Museum challanges the 2D only approach of websites and explores 3D worlds. It showcases the Bachelor projects of my fellow students.

> Visit
Screenshot of Adminer Theme

$ Adminer Theme

Ahh Adminer. You are the best SQL manager out there. One file, so simple. Why on earth must you look like you're from 1970.

I took SCSS and the Material Design Guide and coded ahead. It's on GitHub now.

> GitHub
Screenshot of MatTab

$ MatTab

Chrome has this nice new tab page but I can do one better. I've never done a browser extension but this seemed like a good start.

Basically better Windows 8 tiles in Chrome.

> Chrome Store